
Love and Again

I just finished watching 駁命老公追老婆 (Love and Again) and it was so absolutely romantic and caught me completely by surprise. I wasn't looking for a romantic series, certainly not a TVB show, but this had everything I needed - except a thesis which I delayed in order to watch this 20 part series. The unfortunate thing is that I have been sucked back into HK entertainment land with no time to spare. A lengthy review to come, but the rundown is that I like it partly because the story is fresh, as far as TVB goes. Fresh in that it isn't about falling in love but about keeping it even in death. I got into a discussion about this and 天幕下的戀人 (Under the Canopy of Love) with my favorite TVB partner who chastised me for even comparing the two. Both are excellent, and I even admit that UTCOL is superior in casting, acting, writing, and story, but they really are two different shows as far as the love theme goes. Anyway, I'm also in love with Alex Fong Chung Sun, something I avoided successfully for many years. But his super nice guy role was too overwhelming and I succumbed. (Also buttressed by his super brooding cop role in One Nite in Mongkok, his super charming mob boss role in Drink Drank Drunk, and his super underrated architect role in Building Blocks of Life. I'm a sucker.)

And a video for fun. This is Miriam Yeung's theme song from Drink Drank Drunk called My Drunk Love (