Listening: Bach's Goldberg Variations on podcast
Reading: The Yes of Jesus Christ by Pope Benny XVI
News of the Day:
- The World Digital Library goes live! Featuring art, lit, and music from around the globe. Thank you, UNESCO.
- Bull charges into supermarket. Craaazy bull.
- Glenn Beck is an affront to my intelligence.
- Poor Times. Sometimes you just don't get the good Obama stories. But if you want to report on his new Blackberry...(And what's with the hair?)
- Poorer Independent. Sometimes you don't even get bad Obama stories. But is it really necessary to report on fantasy presidencies?
- Naked Japanese pop star. -_- Why do the Asians only get on the news for crazy shit, Edison Chen?
- Conservative cat fight on the other side of the pond. Queens.
- The politician Twitter obsession needs to stop. Y'all aren't going to tell us anything worth knowing in 140 words.
- Cat competitions. Why do we need to stroke their egos? Especially these fugly award-winning cats.
- The UN says macho men could be a health risk. They are already a risk to my feminine sensibilities.
- Globe and Mail says Susan Boyle is average. Stop being party poopers because we still love her.
- The Wire spawn - good actors making it big. This is the next show on my list.
- Kids are addicted to phones.
- Bill Gates's daddy talks about being Bill Gates's daddy.
- Young Chinese kids in Canada play golf. My kids are getting Legos, colored pencils, and a baseball.