
Wimbledon Edition

News of the Day:
  • Federer wins, Sampras unseated, Roddick bites the dust.
  • Paul Begala offers one of the more amusing takes on Sarah Palin's latest whack out. He lets loose on her English prowess, or lack thereof.
  • The MI6 Facebook row once again proves that Americans aren't the only ones who commit royal fuck ups. In fact, British intelligence has a pretty good track record of fouling up these last few years. It's curious that the story is now plastered across publications the world over. Way to minimize the damage.
  • You already waste your time looking at forwards of oversized animals and stupid human tricks. See which ones are real and which ones are really photoshopped. But mainly see the gigantic cat.
  • Blind man has sight restored via tooth implant. You can't make up this kind of crazy. Especially when it comes from the Telegraph.
I read a lot of news about a lot of places and, because I'm from a small town, always find it surreal to see a bit of hometown projected onto the national stage. Obama did a lot of Southern Illinois name dropping during his campaigns though so I started to grow accustomed. Anyway, I caught an article in Huffington Post about a handful of US cities clamoring for Guantanamo detainees - including Marion, Illinois. The report was even filed from there. Why that sends a chill up my leg, I don't know. Maybe because I was surprised to learn that Robert Butler is still mayor after many, many years. Whatever works for you, Marion, Illinois.

This went up on my Facebook the other day. It's a bit from the Times debating the merits of a masters degree. Oh, we know where I fall on that one. A wise friend also posted a status
recently that read something to the effect that these courses - Basic Life Skills; Meeting Deadlines; and The World Does Not Revolve Around My Research - should be required for all higher degrees. I vigorously second that motion.