
Kimball Cho: Real Man of Genius

Kimball Cho, one of the reasons why The Mentalist is heads above other shows. He has some of the funniest, sharpest, most cutting lines on television.

Grace: He's also the type that would hire other people to do his dirty work.
Cho: Yes he is. Hitmen aren't cheap and they don't take credit cards.

Suspect: I can make one phone call and your career is toast?
Cho: That's impressive. The best I can do with one phone call is a pizza.

Suspect: How am I supposed to know who you are? You're banging on my doors, 'CBI! CBI!' Like that's supposed to mean something?
Cho: Yeah, we do need better brand awareness.

Rigsby: All I'm saying, you can't say there's no such thing as a psychic because you've never met one.
Cho: You're right. I've never seen a zebra. Doesn't mean they don't exist.
Rigsby: Never seen a zebra?
Cho: Nah.
Rigsby: Never been to a zoo?
Cho: Yeah, I don't get zoos. You pay money to look at animals. Why?