Dong to the Youngbae interview series starts now.
Heaven will either be filled with angels and fluffy marshmallow clouds - or copious amounts of pop music and entertainment. I'm kind of aching for the latter now, though there is the whole issue of getting to heaven. In any case, there have been a series of interviews with the men of Big Bang - and yes, their latest video clearly requires them to be characterized as such. Retrospectives on G-Dragon, Daesung, and most recently Seungri have been read and re-read, and re-read again. But at long last, it's dear Youngbae's turn! I can't wait for this 10 part series to come out. Check out any of the BB fan sites to get the latest. I recommend Always Taeyang this time around - because if you're going to spazz about the TY, you might as well spazz with someone even crazier than you.