
JLS's inspired 'Eyes Wide Shut' MV.

Time to come clean. I like JLS. Generally averse to any act that emerges from a television talent contest, but I've liked most of their hits so far. They make my brand of music, the poppy R&B stuff that I don't mind grooving like a fool to on public transpo. Their latest single (from late last year) just landed on my playlist. It's called Eyes Wide Shut. Yeah, deep. It feels a little early 90s old school, but I think that's mostly because the opening bars sound like they are taken from Monica's Angel of Mine. That said, I don't know what is going on in the video. I don't dislike it; just looks a mess, kind of like mushing all of the following into a 4 minute video.


Columbia Pictures logo

Rene Margritte's Son of Man

MC Escher

Star Wars - Death Star
Taeyang's Prayer MV

Night Sky star chart

Star Wars - Cloud City


Actual JLS video: