
Bits, Bobs, and a Badass for 4.22.09

Listening: Pray-as-you-go podcast by the British Jesuits

News of the Day:

Star Trek
I don't even like Star Trek, but I do like hot guys in uniform and hot chicks in minis. So I'm am disturbingly psyched about this movie, and to celebrate, here are 3 articles from The Times. 5 star review. Star Trek for a new generation. Star Trek for an Obama generation. Excessive, yes. Movie better be good.

Hugh Jackman
Um, the veins actually pop out of his biceps. I don't know if that's healthy, but does it really matter when you are Wolverine and hot? Methinks no. To celebrate, zero articles from The Times and 1 interview (in 2 parts) from Jonathan Ross.

Richard Armitage (or Mr. Hugh Jackman lookalike, as my friend says)
Ha! He gets his own section today. There is no real news. I just wanted to report that after a painful 2 week hiatus, grisly Guy of Gisbourne is finally coming back in this weekend's episode 5 of Robin Hood. Also, previews are up for episode 6 which marks the debut of Sir Toby as the wretched Prince John, because apparently Toby Stephens can only be cast in roles that require sneering.