
'Strike Back' promos.

With news coming in today that Spooks might be on the outs, I've found some promos for Richard Armitage's new project to help ease the blues. Despite its uninspired title, Strike Back throws together an appealing cast. Joining Mr. Armitage are: Andrew Lincoln, the cutie from Love Actually who has the hots for Keira Knightly; Jodhi May, the chick who throws herself off the cliff in Last of the Mohicans; and Colin Salmon, the tall, dark and handsome one from James Bond movies...yeah, that one. It's a 6 part series and, according to IMDB, David Harewood will appear in 2 episodes; call it a Robin Hood reunion....Of course you can't really have a reunion with just two people though, which is why they brought in - Sir Toby Stephens! That's right, my favorite television over-emoter will be called on to chew up the scenery for 2 episodes.

There's a tentative air date of April 2010, at which point I hope to have my thesis long behind me. Maybe I'll be in Laos if I'm lucky. In any case, not sure if I'll be able to catch it as the show will be rained down on us via Sky, a UK satellite station. Hmm, but a show about war, guns, soldiers...surely it will appeal to some fanboys out there who will help a sister out.

Hope to see more, and longer, promos soon. The first one is 15 seconds of what looks like to be Richard's showreel from Ultimate Force and Spooks. The second clip has a brief intro with a presenter and then exactly 7 seconds of flashes - mostly Richard Armitage, some Andrew Lincoln, flak jackets, automatic weapons, big army boots, and a make out scene where Mr. Armitage is dutifully getting naked. Looks like a winner!