- Forget Baskin Robbins and their paltry 31 flavors. Take me to this ice cream joint in Venezuela with 860 different flavors.
- There Pope Benny XVI goes again, trying to win friends and influence people by speaking about the Vatican's efforts to save Jews during the Second World War, whilst in a synagogue.
- Gators and birds breathe the same way!
- The Scots are drunks, if that is news.
- So much for China's first gay pageant. Police canceled it an hour before show time. Who is surprised?
- Another non-news news item - porn screws with teenagers' ideas about sex and intimacy.
- Oy. Method #53092 of spoiling Chinese children. Golf lessons.
- The art of the double agent.
- What your lunch should look like.
- Bunnies are cute, and their milk helps save stroke victims.
- Blonds are either type A go-getters or just plain bitchy, depending on how you interpret a study published by University of California-Santa Barbara.
- The super-rich in China and Hong Kong are snapping up London property. I think I'd buy a cottage in a little English village instead.
- Always in favor of ripping the Chinese government a new one, some columnists take names and kick ass sort of over at the Times, NYTimes, Guardian. Everyone needs to calm down though because Google hasn't actually ceased operation. They've simply expressed displeasure to a government fond of expressing displeasure.